Click to listen. Steep, Flat, or Inverted Curves… Unlike stock prices, which only move up or down compared to past prices, bonds have an added dimension of duration. This allows …
Click to listen. Income Gap… The average retired person in America will need around 70% to 80% of their working years income during retirement. For example, someone who made $50,000 …
Click to listen. Pricing Power… Even if you have never taken an economics class, pricing power is likely a familiar concept. Sellers can charge premium prices if their product or …
Click to listen. Time… Though drawing a fine line between trading and investing may be difficult, we suggest differences related to time, need for income or wealth, and risk. While …
Click to listen. Scrooge Archetype… How much the film industry shapes our perceptions or reflects public opinion of finance professionals is debatable, though a review of just a handful of …
Click to listen. Account Types… Employer sponsored retirement plans, such as 401(k)s, are not investments, but accounts that hold investments, like bank accounts hold cash. Retirement accounts get special tax …
Click to listen. Strategies… Investing is not “one-size-fits-all.” Individuals have different goals based on their needs, and there are three main investment strategies – growth, income, or preservation. A growth …
Click to listen. Chance… Gambling is a game played for money or property, or a bet on any uncertain outcome. Chance is defined as something that happens unpredictably without human …
Click to listen. Deflation to Inflation… The course of the coronavirus pandemic has dominated stock swings since last year; and recently, inflation has emerged as a driving force in the …
Click to listen. Demystified… Welcome to the first edition of Markets Demystified by Aesop Advisor, where we talk about how investing fits into money management for individuals and households. Investing …