
Stocks Dip: Higher for Longer Sinks In Click to listen. Click to watch. Expectation Rearrangement… Stock prices reflect the future expectations of market participants, and few things have as much …

Frankencoin: Reverse Engineered Assets Click to listen. Click to watch. Synthesizing Assets… In Mary Shelley’s classic novel, Dr. Frankenstein reverse engineers an artificial man by combining parts of men and …

A calendar month with Thursday in red italics with storming rain clouds on each Thursday box of every week against a backdrop of a sky full of storm clouds with some lightning. Aesop Advisor LLC. Images from Pixabay.

A calendar month with Thursday in red italics with storming rain clouds on each Thursday box of every week against a backdrop of a sky full of storm clouds with …

Real Estate or Stocks: What to Invest In Click to listen. Click to watch. Investment or Dwelling… While owning a home can contribute to overall wealth and may be considered …

Sticky Core: Inflation Still Too High Click to listen. Click to watch. Historical Campaign… In an historical hiking cycle, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates by more than 5 …

Investment Gaps: Half Have Retirement Accounts Click to listen. Click to watch. Investment Gaps… The average American may need around 80% of their working years income during retirement. Social Security …

Day Trading: Takes Lots of Time Click to listen. Click to watch. Trading vs Investing… Investing and trading are different activities. Investing is typically associated with long-term holding periods with …

Netflix’s Working: Milton Friedman’s Cameo Click to listen. Click to watch. What We Do… Netflix’s series “Working: What We Do All Day” explores what work means and what work is …

Fed Resolute: Lower for Longer Ends Click to listen. Click to watch. Target Rate… Interest rate targeting is a fairly new practice among global central banks. New Zealand was the …

ETF Varieties: Liquid or Cost Effective Click to listen. Click to watch. Mutual Funds 2.0… For decades, mutual funds were the only way individual investors could gain access to a …